Your first interaction with an academic advisor will be during Transfer Orientation. Your academic advisor will be one of your most important campus resources. Your relationship with your advisor should not only allow you to meet academic degree requirements but promote your engagement in curricular and co-curricular opportunities that promote your full development.
If you're not sure who your advisor is or can't remember their name, you can look them up on Student Admin.
Undergraduate students at UConn are enrolled in one of nine schools and colleges, the Academic Center for Exploratory Students (ACES), the Bachelor of General Studies Program or as non-degree students. Each of these programs offer academic advising to their students. Click the link below to learn more about your advising center.
Click here to find information on all of the UConn Advising Centers.
Some advisors prefer that students come to their office hours, some schedule appointments via e-mail, and some use the Nexus system. To find out how your advisor schedules appointments or what his/her office hours are, go to the department website. Typically this information is found under such headings as “Contact Us,” “Faculty” or similar.