Looking for additional support during your first semester at your new campus? Enroll in a 1-credit course from the options below!
UNIV 1800: University Learning Skills (offered fall and spring semesters)
A component of the First Year Experience (FYE) program, this course is intended to acquaint students with the University and expand their learning experiences in order for them to adjust to the new expectations they will face. Course involves assignments that will provide opportunities for students to enhance their academic and interpersonal skills. Open to freshman and sophomore students only.
UNIV 1820: First Year Seminars (offered fall and spring semesters)
Each class section of UNIV 1820 covers a different topic based on students' interests. Guided research or reading, discussion, and writing on topics of professional interest to the instructor. Course materials promote independent learning and active engagement in the academic life of the University. Open to freshman and sophomore students only. Click here to see the Spring 2025 UNIV 1820 course offerings.
ENGR 3184: College of Engineering Transition Seminar (offered fall & spring semesters)
This seminar offers transfer and campus change students an opportunity to meet other transfer and campus change students in Engineering or Exploring Engineering who are new to the Storrs campus. In addition to the networking opportunity, this course also covers relevant transition topics and provides an introduction to campus resources. Email shoshana.armington@uconn.edu for more information.
AGNR 3095: College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Transition Seminar (offered fall semester only)
This seminar offers transfer and campus change students an opportunity to meet other transfer and campus change students in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources who are new to the Storrs campus. In addition to the networking opportunity, this course also covers relevant transition topics and provides an introduction to campus resources. Email meagan.ridder@uconn.edu for more information.